意大利设计师 Paola Navone 保拉·纳沃内。1973年毕业于都灵理工大学建筑系。1970年至1980年间,她与Alessandro Mendini、Ettore Sottsass Jr.和Andrea Branzi在Alchimia Group合作,Alchimia Group是意大利设计界最具进步性的一家公司,发展出了一种富有成效和刺激性的前卫姿态,并于1983年获得大阪国际设计大奖,这是她第一次获得一年。
由Paola Navone设计的 Gervasoni Siliver pendant 95 吊灯
从1979年到现在,她一直与abet公司合作,在那里她了解了该公司的层压材料,并发现了她对刚性表面装饰的热情。同年,她与Alchimia和Sottsass、Branzi、Guerriero和Knoll International(要求她设计一系列家具作品)开始合作,并为Domus研究中心进行了“工业和装饰”主题的研究。
1982年至1984年期间,她为Alessi设计了产品,成为Abet层压的顾问,并参与了Guido Jannon(与Régie Renault的高级市场营销小组一起)针对创新主题进行的研究工作。她在雷吉奥卡拉布里亚的建筑学院学习工业装潢和佛罗伦萨的地面规划。
1984年,她在摩德纳的专业结构中心为时尚设计师举办了一个关于设计趋势的课程,并与Societa Immagine Industrial在纺织、陶瓷和家具行业的产品演变领域进行了合作。她和丹尼尔·罗森斯特罗克一起参加了“逃逸中心”项目,并于1985年与吉多·詹农和弗朗哥·拉吉一起参与了“电子标志的演变”。
Paola Navone是意大利当代设计的代表人物,更是工业设计教母。多才多艺的她,在建筑师、设计师、布景师、室内设计师、展览和活动顾问艺术评论家与讲师间不停地切换,她以多变的风格与审美征服了全世界,淋漓尽致地体现了意大利设计之优雅高贵。我们永远也无法定义她的角色和风格,因为她同她的作品一样,或简约大气,或多彩丰富,在完美契合各个需要的同时又有着她自己的特色。
Paola Navone的作品横跨家具、水晶、灯饰、卫浴、厨具等,相既与国际知名品牌合作产品设计,如Natuzzi、Baxter、ALESSI、Reichenbach等。由于她没有任何设计包袱,总能替各个合作品牌带来鲜明的形象,进而开闢一条崭新的风格之路。
由Paola Navone设计的 Karman BIBENDUM 吊灯
由Paola Navone设计的BAXTER ARTIK 沙发椅
与Baxter合作的Chester Moon,是以古典钉釦为造型,却利用元素摇身一变像月球表面充满圆角的沙发,配上特别调製的藕色、深蓝色、灰黑色,充分掌握材质的独特性,也替沙发创造了一个视觉鲜明的形象。
她曾在意大利设计史最辉煌的上世纪70-80年代,在意大利后现代主义设计大师Ettore Sottsass Jr.、意大利设计大师Andrea Branzi身边工作学习,自1998年起担任 Gervasoni创意总监一职至今。同时她的个人设计作品散布于世界著名设计品牌,屡获殊荣,活跃于意大利室内与全球家居设计界三十余年,作为意大利家居设计界的一朵金花,在男性主导的意大利设计界,这多金花盛开了30多年。2016-2017年Architonic全球设计师排名位列第五,可谓当代设计界不朽的传奇。
After graduating in 1973 she worked as an Art Director at CentroKappa (1975-1979): planning and development of the image, sales instruments, sales outlets, exhibitions and special initiatives. During this period she collaborated with Alessandro Mendini at "MODO" magazine.
From 1979 until the present day she has collaborated with Abet, a company where she got to know its laminates and where she discovered her passion for the decoration of rigid surfaces. Together with research for the Domus Studies Center on the theme of "Industry and Decor", the same years saw the start of her collaboration with Alchimia and Sottsass, Branzi, Guerriero and Knoll International (which asked her to design a series of furniture pieces).
The period spanning 1985-1988 saw a turning point in her approach and attitude towards creativity. She became a consultant for image and production development of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand on behalf of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and the World Bank. This activity resulted in the organization of exhibitions, conferences, seminars and consultancy operations.
In 1988, in cooperation with Giulio Cappellini, she created "Mondo" [World], an initiative which ranged from the design of furniture and objects to the image project, marketing and the management of creative staff.
Between 1988 and 1998 her activities literally 'exploded' in a multitude of initiatives treating design, interior decoration and planning. All of these culminated in her entering the Fashion World: with Piazza Sempione, as had already been the case for "Mondo", she developed the concepts of the trademark, sales outlet and showroom in Milan (followed by those in Rome, Düsseldorf and Tokyo).
From 1995 to 1999 he starter a cooperation with many prestigious companies of Italian sector.
In 2006: new projects for .