ade, though, is subtly designed with a low-rise concrete garden planter behind a steel grill fence to separate it from the street, a scaled up timber door and an imposing frangipani tree screening the feature window of the small front sitting room.

The ceiling height is 2.7 metres at the entry, but the house then steps down twice keeping the ceiling height constant. We first pass a dark timber pod containing a powder room, then step down to the kitchen/dining space, then down to a large family room looking on to the courtyard. By now the height is almost four metres.
This journey is defined on the party wall side by joinery, by the stairway (up to the three bedrooms and master bathroom) and the kitchen. On the other side a slender skylight runs almost the length of the house further expanding our sense of space. Another such skylight illuminates the stairwell on the party wall side.