
 > 发布于2020-06-17 阅读 7.6k



The global leader in hearing aids, Sivantos, relocated its global headquarters and its Singapore operations - a critical moment to change the culture and establish a renewed image and identity. The outcome is a sound-inspired workplace that fosters collaboration, agility, accountability and an entrepreneurial spirit. A raw “shell and core”, the light industrial complex was transformed into a sensory headquarter for research and development, administration and production.


Effective branding was integrated into both the visitor and employee flow around the workplace - intuitively designed across 3 very large floor plates and developed in an inclusive manner that ensures employees embrace, utilize and understand their new workplace environment. Sivantos’ desire to strengthen its identity has resulted in a new headquarters that represents a powerful manifestation of the company’s vision to invent the future of better hearing and understanding.


Throughout the work areas, the sound is the inspiration behind central hubs with spaces for collaboration, contemplation, and break-out. Each hub has its own sound concept based on the diversity and contrasts of the ‘Sound of nature’, ‘Sound of the city’, ‘Sound of celebration’ and ‘Sound of Sivantos’ - creating different soundscapes within the office. The combination of materials, color and lighting in each hub emphasize the variations and nuances of the sounds that we hear in nature, the city and when we celebrate.



Teams are grouped into neighborhoods around the hubs. A continuous timber acoustic cladding highlights phone booths, meeting rooms, cafés and print rooms, and unites the vast floor plates into one space.

“The new headquarters has completely transformed the culture of working here at Sivantos, making the interaction between different departments and teams much stronger. The collaboration hubs provide a platform for spontaneous meetings and brainstorm sessions improving productivity immensely, and at the same time giving the opportunity to unwind while still at work.” - Nicolai R. Jensen, Sivantos Senior Vice President HR





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